The Ice-Cream Can Wait
It was a long week, but doesn't every week feel like a long week? I made it to "bed-time," and I made it to Friday. After 5 days of...

Why Are We Still Making A Mockery Of Mental Illness?
Originally posted on The Huffington Post With the emergence of fall comes the promise of Halloween and all things pumpkin spice, festive,...

How To Survive The First Trimester Of Pregnancy With Young Kids
Originally posted on the Huffington Post This one won’t be as easy as your first — not that the first was easy (and if it was, you are a...

What I Learned From Spending 44 Days on Hospitalized Bed Rest
44 days, 88 nurse shift changes, and two babies later. In the beginning it wasn’t so bad. The concept was still novel and I remember...

Respiratory Distress: Trust your “Mom Intuition”
Originally posted on Twiniversity.com It came on quickly and out of nowhere. Wednesday morning Shelby woke with a little runny nose,...

Hey Parents, This Too Shall Pass
Originally posted on Huffington Post This too shall pass -- it's what we say when someone needs words of encouragement. When we are not...

How to Get Out the Door with Twins in 10 Easy Steps (Or, Why I'm Always Sweating)
Originally posted on Twiniversity.com 1. Check/Reload the Diaper Bag. Because babies poop. A lot. You will need wipes, diapers, and back...

My Newfound Friend-Making Powers
Origianlly posted on Huffington Post Since the birth of my twins, I have talked to more people, made more new friends, and generally...